
Displayfusion ultrawide
Displayfusion ultrawide

displayfusion ultrawide displayfusion ultrawide

To save money, your primary should be the higher Hz model (I rock 75Hz alt monitor, 165Hz primary). That said, I don t think two monitors look bad (and I have a bit of an OCD to 'balance' things out - my lego space ships were perfectly mirrored, lol) and I can slap 4x browsers across two 2560x1440 screens and love what it gives me. Less so today, but some titles don't scale well to Uwide resolutions and strech to fit, but again, that's way less an issue today than it was even a couple/few years ago. On the productivity side of that, it's way fewer pixels than 3x 2560 across, so you lose a lot of real estate for a curve. I'm also not a fan of ultra wides for FPS gaming for the same reason, but it's better than 3x surround.

displayfusion ultrawide

They aren't using surround or Uwide for reasons. 'pros' use 24" 1080p high-hz monitors in FPS comps. Surround is good for sims and other genres. I play games on the middle one and the other on the left is there for whatever (typically a browser, perhaps some monitoring, email, steam friends, etc). While the FOV is higher, you're realistically unable to see as much (you have to move your eyes all around as opposed to one screen with all of the action). For FPS gaming, not a fan of three monitors.

Displayfusion ultrawide